Pear tree poetry

This is a live anthology. Not poems about fruit, nor only poems. But no football.

A pilgrim’s guide

The Shirt – Carol Ann Duffy

The Human Bee – Carol Ann Duffy

Heredity Poem – Thomas Hardy

The Prelude – William Wordsworth

4th Day Snow

The Cows on Killing Day – Les Murray

Enter the tiger

Winter run – David Plumeridge

Yoga for Leaders and Others – Philip Fried

Burning Trash – John Updike

Carmel Point – Robertson Jeffers

Ezra Pounds Proposition – Robert Haas

The Darkling Thrush – Robert Hardy

A Man in his Life – Yehuda Amichai

Are You Drinking? – Charles Bukowski

October – Robert Frost

The Guest House – Rumi

Fall Song – Mary Oliver